Blog Archives - Coach Anna Casas
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[caption id="attachment_1932" align="alignright" width="300"] Banyoles lake, Girona. Spain[/caption] We wish you health, love, prosperity and peace for this holiday season and for the New Year 2025         Photo: Jaume Llorens, Banyoles....

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018

I wish you that these days will create the space to regenerate the energy and love that you need for this coming New Year 2018, Anna Photo. Jaume Llorens...

Coaching in Banyoles

This last month of September I celebrated that I have been coaching teenagers and parents for 3 years. Many Spaniards still associate coaching to the business environment but coaching teenagers and parents is a reality. Coaching young people and their parents gives the possibility to help young...

Què és el coaching?

Hi han moltes maneres d’explicar-ho.  Aquesta és la que a mi m’agrada: el coaching NO és una teràpia. Tampoc és donar consells. I tampoc és jutjar, ni ensenyar. El coaching és una conversa confidencial entre el client (coachee: sigui un jove, un adolescent, una mare, un...